Emotion and cognition are very closely connected. Sometimes this is beneficial and sometimes it is not. For example, being stuck in a negative emotional state, conscious or not, can impact one’s ability to make decisions, focus, and meet work goals.
A recent study looked at the impact of neurofeedback training with music stimulation for college students suffering from strong negative emotions. And unsurprisingly to us, the researchers found that music stimulation not only decreased negative emotional state, but also improved attention (both with statistical significance).
We love reading new research and learning more about the depth and breadth of influence music has on our daily functioning. It makes us even more passionate and excited to bring music therapy to our mental health communities!
If you’d like to learn more and read this exciting research yourself, click the link below.
[Read it here!] https://www.researchsquare.com/article/rs-3291602/v1