SERVICES Over 6,000 clients across multiple states, in-person and via telehealth, received music therapy with Get In Tune’s specialized, board-certified music therapists.
We ramped up our capacity to provide individual services and our mental health focused music therapists are ready to provide telehealth sessions to anywhere in the country!
Get In Tune started working with 6 new treatment sites in 2022.
Get In Tune therapists now provide multi-family sessions, ensuring the skills our clients gain in music are supported in their family units.
We continue to offer post-treatment groups, which are a great way to keep music therapy going during the transition period.
In Tune DIY Music Therapy, our self-study program that provides creativity, meditation, and connection to music, continues to be an affordable solution for individuals seeking to support their mental health.
Our Therapist Led version of In Tune is now available to all therapists who would like to offer music curriculum to their clients!
We launched our newsletter for music therapists, therapists, and treatment center staff this year (You can join here)
We started a Mental Health Tips email community for anyone interested in using music to improve their well-being. (You can join here)
We revamped our Instagram account to focus on sharing mental health tips. We’re on Instagram as @getintunemusictherapy - come join us over there!
Founder Marlys presented at two music therapy conferences and was a guest lecturer at Biola University.
Marlys also was a featured guest on The Eleshia Show Podcast, discussing how we can learn how to actively and effectively use music to process emotions.
VoyageDenver published an interview with Marlys under their Most Inspiring Stories section.
Get In Tune onboarded our first Administrative Coordinator, Kristin Sjoberg, freeing up Marlys to continue expanding her CEO role.
Extra big accomplishment: We expanded our training and certification program - now titled Using Music in Mental Health Recovery - to include education on incorporating music into addiction, eating disorder, anxiety and depression treatment. We conducted three trainings this year.
Creating this list made us even more excited for the projects we have in the works. We’re looking forward to serving you in 2023!